What's New

Keynote: Enda McShane, CEO |
It's time to play nice, guys

NRF 2017 has convinced me that partnership is the key for technology companies to be successful in the retail space...


Velocity Worldwide – More customers, spending more, more often

Check out how we combine creative retail marketing with our personalization and insights technology to grow retail businesses...


Darius™ for Retail – Connecting retailers, brands and their customers

How our personalization and insight technology drives more visits, engages your customers, and grows sales...


How Darius™ integrates with existing retail technology

Check out how Darius™ integrates with existing or future retail software and hardware solutions to future-proof retailers’ retail technology buying...


Just in case you missed it

Another chance to catch up on last month's edition...

On The Radar

What does the store of the future look like?

We are prepared to enter a new phase of mass personalisation...


How to understand the biggest problems facing retailers in 2017

The trick for retailers is to figure out how to use all the data they accumulate via digital channels and use it to create better in-store experiences and products...


Retailers tout personalization push, but are delaying some features for years

70 percent of US retailers cite customer identification/personalization of the customer experience as their leading customer engagement priority in 2017...


The 1 thing forgotten at the world’s largest retail event

Nearly the only thing that was missing for those at this year's big retail event was information on channels for communicating with the customer...


NRF and Forrester: Digital touchpoints impact nearly half of all retail sales

While Forrester’s 2016 forecast projected direct online sales of 11.6 percent of total U.S. retail, digital touchpoints impacted an estimated 49 percent...


A look at the current state of customer experience

IBM survey reveals that 84 percent of brands do not offer any in-store mobile services...


Data crucial to marketing and customer experience, claims report

Nearly 80% of advertising and marketing executives around the world stated customer data is critical to their campaigns...


Retail this year: 4 technology trends to watch

Retailers are faced with the difficult task of activating against data – implementing it to improve business and grow revenue...


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Newsletter #12 2017
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